2016年美国国家评论协会奖五佳纪录片之一,提名17年英国电影学院奖最佳纪录片。纪录片讲述了生活在蒙古西北部阿尔泰山区的13岁小女孩Aisholpan,打破沿袭了几百年的传男不传女的风俗,跟随父亲学习猎鹰,并成为地区"猎鹰节大赛"首位女性参赛者的经历。该片由英国演员#黛茜‧雷德利Daisy Ridley#担任旁白,片尾曲"You can do anything"由澳洲女歌手希雅献声.....
Hotel manager Marcus Winter is awaiting an important visitor to the Emirates Palace Hotel.His long-time friend – the representative of a big tour operator – should be arriving soon to inspect the hotel.But instead of his friend, it’s a new inspector that
When a plane crashes, Newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder discovers a Note that was meant for the child of one of the passengers. "The Note" shows how dramatically life can change in a spilt second...the need to make a connectio